Just my thoughts. Sharing my thoughts on this website. Dont know whether you guys have the same way of thinking as I am. Hurm... For me, blogging is all about going through 1001 challenges, falling 1001 times, speaking out 1001 words in a column, talking to yourself when none out of a whole 1001 lot is listening, giving in and getting up time and again-it's all plus a 1001 more,minus the backing down. Got the guts? It's insane but-heck,we're in. We're in. Sigh!
I'm considering to deactivate my Facebook. Yes, Facebook is a time-suck. Its a vortex of self-indulgence. Made me a full-time stalker. Urgh! But on another side, this social networking is responsible for teaching me somethings everywhere valuable lessons (thats when your peeps post some reminders, hadith, etc). But still most of my friend in FB, posted something nonsense, something which I dont even bother to know about. Owh, I just realized that, almost 40% of my friends in my FB friend-list I've never meet or know. Maybe I should delete some of them & start the kerja pembersihan now. Err, I mean later la. Because now, I got no time. Maybe later after my exam during the summer practical. Huhu~
Don't ask me if I'm serious. I know there'll be the time when I'd feel like deleting my FB. But because of this FB, I get connected with my family. Get the latest updates. (its hard to find suitable time to chat with my family. Seriously!) Maybe this is the strong reason why I'm still in FB. *wink* Those are just some of the thoughts that run through my mind. Thanks for spending your time. Bye! Wassalam~
By Al-'Asr (the time).
Verily! Man is in loss