My passion towards cooking started only 3 days ago. I was so stressed out. I had lots revision need to be done, yet nothing have been done so far. Ugrhh! Why? Why am i doing this to me? Im tired & stress up. Feeling bored towards the same things again! less than 2 months finals will be coming soon, & now I got lots of MCQ tests, practical skill test, etc. I know I need to work harder, but still I just cannot push myself right now. Wasting my precious time with doing nothing. Nothing! And I got this two huge zits on my face & this tending to make me stress even more. Whenever I'm in a good mood, I love to try out new recipes over weekends. I got my inspiration towards cooking from so many cooks like my sister, housemates, friends & yakitate japan (hehe!). So, people, do scroll down for the pic ya!
p/s- for those who still dont get an idea what the heck is that pic, I'll let you know.. the first pic -pizza, 2nd- sardin buns, 3rd-choco-bun (T_T) ..I love baking but still I'm a failure~ sigh!