Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The lazy paranoid!


Yeah! I'm 22 with NO driving license. I got limited time to learn driving and I'm very particular about spending my holidays during this summer coz I got only 2 months jee cuti. For me its better to go shopping, hanging out with friends, do practicals, jadi guard kat rumah rather than spending my time to learn driving. Which I think it would take about most of my time being wasted. Well actually aku nih pemalas and suka tido. *thats the real reason* Haha!

So everytime I wanna somewhere, I have to ask my brother or sista to be my driver. Drive me, drop me there, fetch me here, etc. It's like menyusahkan orang. And I dont like it unless if there is an important matter. I mean like really IMPORTANT je. My younger brother especially will make his most annoying face if I requested this to him. So, I have to belanja him skit in order to compensate back what he had done =.=''

But not most of the time my siblings ade kat rumah kann.. So, usually I will take a bus (me not like), LRT (lambat!! no like oso) or taxi (preferable.. and i used to take this one mostly!). But still the fear is there! Ihik~ Everytime the cab driver takes a wrong turn I immediately freak out and strategize on how I'm going to jump out of the car or beat him up with my shoes for self-defense.

Well I guess the world is turning me into a paranoid these days. Sigh! I should go for a driving lesson one day! Yeah next summer holidays maybe! InsyaAllah~ Itu pon kalau tak kedekut nak korbankan half of my cuti .. HUhuhu~

These are my brothers...Opss driverrr.. EH?! brothers!