While reading this never ending facts on TOPAN for my upcoming exam, I got so full of it that I thought probably I should take a break. ( this is a rare case actually. the rare case here is not about the fact that I studied so much that I figured i should take a break, its the fact that I’m studying! haha)
Anyway lets talk about this ‘break’ here. So according to what I’ve learned previously, we need to take a break so that our mind can relax and we can perceive information that we study better, by playing games for example, some outdoor activities perhaps, basically anything away from education for like 10-30 minutes.
There’s something I noticed about myself. Sometime my ‘breaks’ aren’t really an ideal break as suggested. Sometimes I fill my breaks of studying, by studying. Sounds weird huh? But wait till you hear the rest of the story.
I have interests in various fields that are out of my field of study, some of them ranging from bussiness to making video and even some are deep complicated technology stuff. But its where the passion is, so you can’t stop ‘em anyways. So what I’ll be doing during my breaks after studying for my exams is that I will still be on my desk, in front of the computer after reading lecture notes for the examination, only that I’ll be studying about things that is other than the one for my exams.
You might be thinking, wait a minute, how’s that going to help you to get back to what you are going to study for your exams?
Well, I have a theory , although not yet proven (probably proven already, just too lazy to google it), breaks are just a way to clear your state of mind.
We do something out of what we’ve been doing for past few hours to get out of all the complications we’ve probably had accumulated from reading all sorts of things we’ve been doing.
So by simply doing something else that is different from what you’re doing, you’re actually taking a break, mentally.
Understand? nope? it's ok..
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
Anyway, its already 4.15 in the morning, now I need to take my physical rest :P. Off to bed, bye!