Friday, August 7, 2009

my bold sister Zahirah

As kids, my sister Zahirah and I were inseparable. She was 4 years older and bigger at the time and i often found myself following her lead. She was daring as a women. When she got the idea to explore sumting, I agreed to join her even though the idea might sounds crazee for me~

So, a few weeks ago, we went to Korea Plaza..yeah..she got crazy over the korean drama.. to b honest im not rily interested in this korea thingy pon..huhuhu..but still, I joined her bcoz there wasn't anything to do at home~

So, we went there..plan2 nak la join klas base korea tuh..every monday, its only 2hours a week..but i left only a month..mane sempat..So, we decided to join the cooking will be held on 18ogos..tgk dulu la..huhu~

again..x de keje usual we took our pic wearing Han-buk (btoi kot)

waiting for Abah to balik keje~
so that he can drive us home~