Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lazy bum!~

Salam & Hi readers...

I am back...
from doing nothing and everything!
You know how there's this thing that you need to do and you want to do, but you can't find time to do and then when you do find time to do it, its like you don't know where to start for all the things that have piled up. That would be my blog! I have a list from here to there of the things I have to gab about. That's why I have scheduled my mind for AT LEAST ONE POST PER MONTH....
So watch out!!!

as for me, writing an entry is like preparing a KimCHi to 40 peoples that you'll have to consider how they will react upon your KimChi..
frankly speaking, I have to consider all people feelings before writing an entry so that no one will get hurt~