Wednesday, December 8, 2010

surgery suit!


First impressions can only be made once. Looking professional is important for any health care provider. As a student, I'm not only wanting to make a good impression on the patients I see, but I have to let my attending knows that I understand "playing the part also means dressing the part".

As usual, every wednesday, during my surgery class, I've to bring along my surgery suit in case if there will be any operation to be seen. *it's hard for me to change to this surgery suit as it is uncomfortable, plus, I looks like 'makcikcleaner' when I wear it ,not really like it*. For me, I'd rather be 'ugly' than missing any chances to watch the sugical operation. =p

When I first saw physicians wearing their surgical suits around the hospital, I thought it was funny as their wearing those not-so-stylish-suits with different colour not according to department. Before this, I thought that green surgical suit is for surgeon, red is for cardiologist, blue for peadiatrician etc. As funny as it may look, it sets them apart from the rest of the crowd and reintroduces a sense of professionalism through the threads they wear.Whoa~

But honestly, I prefered wearing white coat because I look professional when wearing it.=)

p/s: I dont see the purpose of wearing it. Sterile?? Hellllooo, I've seen many nurses went out to stalovaya with the same 'pyjamas' their wearing in the Operation theatre. Sigh!