Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life oh life


I got mood swing lately. Everything seems to be so wrong to me. Today after PathAnat class, I went back home quite early, around 10am, rest for a while, because after this gonna have lecture hygiene at 12. Sat for PathAnat paper this morning & it was $^%^&#. You bet it was a tough one..*menggoreng soklan smpai terbakar*,

Current mood: depressed. Ethiology: fail to answer my question properly. Mechanisms of action: sbb blaja tak focus smlm. Blaja last minit. YM skype & FB are the trigger mechanisms. Prognosis: get a bad mark. Anything else? Noo! I just speechless. I'm running out of words. HAHA~

I aint feeling good today. Unwell. I got running nose , a subfebrile rise in body temperature. And my roommate currently having a bad fever. Lucky her, no need to go to class as she was told by her teacher to have a rest at home. Sigh!

Sometimes, I'm wondering how can I stand being a med student?? Hectic life, busy studyng, momerizing bla bla bla.. 3 years passed already & I got another 3 more years to go. Let's just be patient & stop complaining about yourself. Dont compare youself with others. OK! *sabar2*

I may not be a good medical student, but I may insyaAllah be a good doc! So, everytime I feel down, tak de smgt, I'll call my family, recite Quran, hear songs, & read blogs. I recommend you guys ( for those yg amek medic) to read this 2 awesome blogs FNM & AZZAD. I just love to read those blogs especially the former one!.. huhuu..

Life is like a wheel.
Sometimes you are on top, and sometimes you are at bottom.
That's life~