Friday, March 19, 2010



I know its been so loooonngg since I didn't blog..
blogging is boring..sorry..
I know it's kind of rude to say it..
but honestly, it is boring..

After several times being urged by some of my frens, "bila ko nak update blog ko nih?"..I finally make up my mind "yola2..sabaq la skit, karang ak update la..tgh malas nih"

I started to feel boring. My passion toward blogging ceases as time passed by. And I'm addicted to Facebook & ANTM. Iskh3!~

I think that I'm gonna make some make over with my blog coz I think the contents of mine were so rubbish.. everything was meaningless, crapping & etc..
suppose there should be some famous quote by famous people, something that's Islamic, something to be shared with or some valuable info that my readers can gain.

Seriously I don't know where to start from coz I'm so damn lazy..
If there is a will , definitely there is a way..
but there is no wayyy if I'm lazy..of course!

Nothing much to update. It's just that I can't get a proper smile. I'm stuck with this awkward braces in my mouth & I got weird line of teeth that I can't hardly smile!~ (T_T)!!~
