Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new sem's resolution??

Salam & Hello!!~

Hahaha..Now entering the new semester, 2nd semester, lots of free time to be wasted. Yey! new hopes, new spirit, new pencil case & all the new-new things except the same old person getting older day by day..Aishhh!~

When I was a kid, every 1st Jan. I'd resolve to exercise more, be nicer to my brothers, keep my room clean, practice my math more often, and pull my grades up. And every year, each of those mild resolution would drop by the wayside within a month (sometimes even sooner). Haha!

When I hit my secondary school (MRSM), I dropped the resolution about the grades from my list. And you know what? I made the Dean's List every semester. Huhu!~

And so, the year after that, I made no resolution. And I felt nothing to worry about. I got no goal, no aim, NOTHING. I feel bored. Therefore this year, although not on 1st Jan but still, I'll make resolutions for this new semester.

These are:-
  • to finish all my homework & not copy from others
  • will attend all the lecture on time (hurmm..lemme think of it back)
  • be more friendly & polite to others =)
  • be helpful
  • do more amal jariah (solat sunat, sedekah, etc)
  • clean my room at least twice a month
  • take care of my cleanliness
  • be more hardworking (study, making vid, editing pic & so on..
And later the list of resolution will be added more later & sooner...hiks! (even though I know I always break it). Hoho!

p/s: currently in the mood of making video.hohoho! but My hard disk wasn't with me. So, then, I decide to write this post.Hurmm..BORINGss!!~