Tuesday, November 24, 2009

B.O.R.I.N.G 2

From left: my sis , my dad & me

I am so restless (tp tido lame je) I feel this indescribable need to walk around or else I'd flop over and die. But there's no place to walk around here and I can't keep walking back and forth from the kitchen and the living room to the toilet. I'd like to go out because it's windy and sort of nice but I'm kinda lazy right now as my fat ass can't handle and if I walk out alone someone might kidnap me and rape me or throw eggs at me.

It's times like this that I wish I know Tae Kwan Do or karate.


Miss my dad damn so much!!~
He's the most protective man I've ever met!

two fat babies lost in the jungle~

p/s: Owh yea..And Happy Birthday to my sister Noor Zahirah Bt Abd Rahman..for her 23th bday!!~ smoge die dpt carik bf hensem n alim k!!~